April 27, 2023
“It is time to update old-fashioned thoughts about maintenance“

Our team is definitely the best I have encountered so far. After joining Quant, there has not been a single morning where I have felt like I did not want to go to work. I have good colleagues here and everything works well!”, says Antti Rossi, who works as a Maintenance Foreman in Suolahti, Finland.
“The atmosphere is really good, not only in our unit, but also in the company as a whole. You can talk to anyone about anything really. There is no hierarchy, we help each other out regardless of your role. If a problem would occur, it is always our joint problem.”
Mainly, Antti’s working day is structured around maintenance resourcing and meetings with customer representatives and Quant’s technicians.
“I started at Quant as a Maintenance Technician five years ago. I worked alongside my studies at the University of Applied Sciences and in the summers, I worked full-time on the site. I also made a thesis for Quant about the topic Development of advance maintenance for dust and particle fans – Implementation of a condition monitoring system. For the past three years, I have worked as a Maintenance Foreman”, he says.
Antti’s interest in the field started already during his childhood and youth.
“I liked to take things apart and when I realized that I could then make it work again, it sparked my interest in the field. First through vocational studies to become a Machine Fitter and later, I completed a Mechanical Engineering degree. At the moment, I am studying at an open university of applied sciences for a higher engineering degree, and my goal is to start studying at the University of Applied Sciences along with work in the spring of 2024.”
Antti has a relative who has had a long career in the same field, and Antti feels like the safety attitude has changed over the years.
“Based on what I have heard, the way safety is treated in the industry has changed a lot compared to twenty years ago. Today, the safety is on a completely different level, which is great! Especially at Quant, a lot of work is done within safety, which has also developed my own safety thinking.”
“It is time to update old-fashioned thoughts about maintenance“
Antti explains how today’s maintenance differs from old-fashioned ideas about the industry as a whole.
“In the past, the maintenance industry was thought of as dirty and almost dangerous, but now it is time to update these old-fashioned thoughts of maintenance in general. Today, we can talk about modern maintenance, where there is no exposure to health hazards, the safety culture is strong and modern tools are being used. The digitization of the industry has changed the working methods a lot. Work tasks are no longer as physical as they were decades ago, nowadays you do not have to break yourself. Today, professional skill is knowing how to use modern tools and various aids in one’s own work”, he says.
“What particularly motivates me in this job is that no one is tied to a specific task, but instead given opportunities and versatile tasks that guarantee various challenges during the days. Two identical days rarely come across.”