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Quant Smart Maintenance
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Benchmark your maintenance performance
Please tell us about
current situation
What industry are you working in?
—Please choose an option—
Pulp & paper
Mining & minerals
Chemicals & petrochemicals
Food & beverages
Discrete manufacturing
What region are you operating in?
—Please choose an option—
Europe & Middle East
What is your company address?
Please fill in the name and contact details of your contact person.
Please fill in your maintenance spend including cost for maintenance staff, direct materiel and services, operating expenses for maintenance (tools, IT licenses, PPE etc.) and please specify the currency.
What is your asset replacement value (fire insurance value) of the production plant? Please specify the currency.
What is the number of full time employees for maintenance crafts?
What is the number of full time employees for maintenance planners?
What is the number of full time employees for maintenance supervisors?
What is the number of full time employees for maintenance engineers?
What is your current percentage of available working time (maintenance staff) that is scheduled?
What is your current percentage of equipment with preventive or predictive tasks linked?
What is your current percentage of maintenance work orders that have been planned?
What is your current percentage of maintenance work orders that are corrective work?
What is your current percentage of maintenance work orders that are “emergency work orders”?
Please fill in your plant overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
Please fill in your maintenance stock value.
Please fill in your stock rotations in turns per year.
By submitting this data, we agree and accept that Quant may irrevocably use all data provided to Quant for benchmarking and analysis purposes, provided that the data has been anonymized.
—Please choose an option—
We agree
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If driving or being exposed to risks in any way, please visit us at another time.
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